
Exploring the Essence of Love: What is Love as You Understand It?

True love is an emotion that transcends utility and purpose, and it has its own unique meaning. From a result oriented perspective, love may seem completely impractical and unquantifiable, but it is precisely this elusive trait that makes it so unique and beautiful. Love is not just about being loyal to someone, it is more about experiences and shared experiences. We often fall into situations where we dress warmly but cannot help but worry about whether our partner will feel cold; Although they have eaten three full meals, they always worry about whether the other person is hungry. Even though we are temporarily separated, we are still constantly concerned about each other's happiness. Before we met, they lived a life that lasted for decades, fearless of wind and rain. However, once we met, it seemed as if they were also afraid of sudden storms. However, it is precisely the uncertainty brought about by this kind of love that fills life with meaning and excitement.

Plant a seed and expect it to bloom and bear fruit, boil the rice to satisfy our hunger, persistently exercise to maintain health, and work hard to achieve our dream of buying a house. These processes and results are quantified and predicted, but often make people feel bored and uninteresting. However, love is an existence that cannot be quantified and predicted, it is not limited by time or space, and there is no definite plan or goal. Nevertheless, we still pursue it, yearn for it, and even give everything for it. Why is this? Perhaps it is because love is the only emotion that can transcend utility and purpose. It is not bound, has no predetermined goal, and exists purely in our inner desires.

In the process of pursuing love, we may not be able to quantify it or grasp its precise laws, but this is precisely where its beauty lies. Love is a unique and pure emotion, even without a clear purpose and utility, we will still rush towards it regardless of anything. Because love is the inspiration of life, it ripples our hearts with beauty and fills every day with the warmth and meaning of love



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