
Teach you how to make friends

If it's the first time you meet, it's best to take the initiative and say hello to the other person first. And you can ask the other party some appropriate questions in public or private spaces to uncover the topic.

For example, if both are students or young people, then both should usually read some news or media trends related topics. So you can start from these aspects to start the conversation. Remember not to ask the other party about their grades, otherwise the situation may become awkward for a while. I think this aspect (๑‾) ̀ ◡‾ ́)σ Some people have a deep understanding, hahahaha.

Also, try to remember the other person's name and behave politely and appropriately to leave a good impression in their heart.

The principle of making friends

1. Those who approach red are red, while those who approach ink are black. Be cautious when making friends. Never make bad friends (referring to friends who have a negative impact on one's moral character)

2. Make more good friends. A good friend often affects oneself, while an excellent friend with good character will make you more perfect and better. And one must also choose the ones who are good and follow them, and change the ones who are not good.

3. Do not intentionally compare with others and show off in front of them. Such behavior often makes the other party feel disgusted with you.

4. Be patient with your friends. When friends tell you things and express their emotions to you, be patient and good at listening rather than perfunctory.

5. Be honest with each other. Try to be honest and trustworthy towards your friends, which is not only the principle of making friends but also the principle of being a person.

6. There is no need to mix benefits in friendship



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