
be friends with make friends

The meaning of making friends: Making friends is the process of transitioning from unfamiliar relationships to mutual familiarity and trust. People establish interdependent interpersonal relationships by consolidating win-win relationships through making friends, and there are also many examples of betraying their conscience and friends for their own interests. Even more, making friends carelessly can lead to a lifetime of failure to turn around. So making friends is a way for a person to survive, a way, and can be said to be a tool.

1. Value small things. Making friends and making them a network resource often depends not on major matters, but on the small things they come into contact with. For example, inviting friends to dinner, calling them to greet them, doing them a little favor, and so on, although these may seem insignificant small things, they have great significance in deepening friendship and accumulating network resources.

2. Actively open up. Although it is said that 'the heart of guarding against others is indispensable', if you really target a person and want to make friends with them, and want them to become a network resource, then don't be embarrassed. Take the initiative and open up to the other person first. Otherwise, expecting others to make friends on their own will be too passive.

3. Be tolerant of friends' 'shortcomings. No one is perfect, everyone has their own shortcomings. If you are too strict, nitpicking, and cannot tolerate any shortcomings of others, it is inevitable that there will be an embarrassment of "no friend until you observe them". To tolerate the shortcomings of friends, as long as it is not too excessive and does not touch the bottom line and principles, do not take it too seriously. Seeking common ground while reserving differences is the true way to make friends.

4. Do your best to help your friends. Although there is a saying in society that "helping is a duty, not helping is a duty", if you sincerely want to make friends and make them network resources, you should still try your best to help them. It is best to remember what you have received from your friends and forget what you have put in. In this way, your friends will definitely become more and more, and your network resources will also become wider.



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