
How do smart people make friends? Understand the Four Laws of Making Friends, and you will have more and more friends

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People cannot live without friends, but making friends is not an easy task, especially after entering society. However, making friends is ultimately about being a person. If one does well, they naturally make more and better friends. From the perspective of being a person, share the four laws of making friends that you must not be unaware of! How do smart people make friends? By understanding these four laws of making friends, you will also have more and more friends.

In this case

1、 Law of Sincerity

Sincerity is mainly reflected in three aspects:

One is to tell the truth. If you truly want to make friends with someone, you should first speak honestly and without deception or concealment. Even if it contradicts the other person's opinion, you should be honest and open.

Secondly, reveal the truth. Making friends is making emotions. When a friend has good things, they should sincerely congratulate them, and when a friend encounters bad things, they should also sincerely comfort them. In front of friends, it's important to show your true feelings and never pretend.

Thirdly, sincere criticism. A true friend is someone who can criticize the other person's shortcomings and point out their mistakes with kindness. Criticizing and correcting a friend is to help them take a better path in the future. This is not only to fulfill the friendship of friends, but also to fulfill their responsibilities.

2、 Law of width and thickness

Thick soil can carry objects, and thick water can carry ships. And 'only a sincere person can entrust great things.' Generosity can create a vast space for friendship, where everyone is willing to stop and rest for friendship.

The leniency is mainly reflected in two aspects:

Firstly, Ke has already served his friends. When there is a conflict between one's own interests and those of a friend, one should sacrifice oneself as a friend.

Secondly, it is magnanimous. When dealing with friends, we should prioritize the overall situation. Don't change your enthusiasm and sincerity just because the other person has a wrong attitude towards you, but always treat them with friendly emotions.

3、 Law of Trust

Making friends and trusting each other is the most basic requirement, and it is also a bridge for maintaining friendship. Without trust, one cannot communicate, exchange, and confide, and it is impossible to make true friends.

Trust is mainly reflected in two aspects:

One is to keep promises and keep promises. If you don't agree to a friend's matter, let it go. Once you agree, you must do your best to achieve it. If it doesn't work out, be honest, explain the reason clearly, and sincerely apologize to strive for the other party's understanding.

Secondly, it is entrusted with a "heavy responsibility". That is to let a friend play an important role in your life to express your trust in him, so that he will cherish this friendship even more.

4、 Law of Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm can bring more warmth and emotion to people, and when interacting with friends, one should be full of enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm is mainly reflected in two aspects:

One is to be proactive. It is about actively creating opportunities to enhance understanding and deepen friendship. Only by showing a proactive and positive attitude can a friend feel that you value your friendship and naturally make them positive, so that the friendship between the two will not cool down. Especially when there is misunderstanding or some indifference between Chingusai, they should actively reverse it.

Secondly, be enthusiastic about helping. The so-called 'adversity reveals true love' means that in daily contact with friends, one should pay attention to observing their emotions, difficulties, and misfortunes. When a friend needs help the most, you should be the first to be present and enthusiastically help them provide advice, solve problems, and overcome difficulties. (Exclusive content of Baijia account)



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